Tanana Jet turns on
Well this past week has been mild for us here at the homestead as the Tanana jet kicks in the down slope winds. Temperatures been in the 20’s with breezes up to 20 KTS. But down in the hole as I call it with the inversion building in ( 1055mb ) Fairbanks was different story. Wife needed some supplies for her fat pill making so we drove to Fairbanks to get them. It was 21 above at the cabin. ten miles up the Rich it was at 11 deg and in an space of 1/2 mile it dropped to 11 below zero. as we drove by Eilsen it was 2 below and then it dropped to 8 below at North Pole. On into Fairbanks where once again it was down to 11 below. That is a bit of an drop in temp. Between Cleary summit and the airport there was an 45 deg difference. This inversion is common during the winter and allows for those cold temps seen here in late December and January. During the coldest days it not uncommon to see the barometer well over 31 inches of mercury. In fact few years back all but one airport closed to IFR rules and were on VFR rules only as an huge high settled in over Alaska before it moved south. Temperature were seen around the state in minus 60 to minus 70 below. here to day we hit -5 at 0730 and since then warmed up to 2 above. Fairbanks is showing -9.
Out on the coast another nasty storm came ashore with 85 mph winds damaging several villages. On Kuskokwim bay the village of Quinhagak reported winds reaching 85 mph (137 kph) Friday morning causing power outage for half an day . One resident reported cars sliding off the road and plywood flying around. Also one home that was partially constructed was ripped off its foundation. The village fuel pumps where also damage causing stove oil and gasoline to be ration. Over in Platinum several homes reported minor damage. The radio station from bethel was unable to reach Goodnews bay to check on damages there. Further north along the coast high winds , heavy snow and blowing snow was the order of the day.
Our present weather here in the Interior for the week is going to be ruled by high pressure (1030 mb) until it drifts ne over into the NWT and allows for low pressure to fill in as an new high over Siberia builds. That high will most likely bring cooler temps then what we been seeing.
Today weather @ 1400 hr
Temperature 1.9 F
Humidity 74%
Wind 0 from the east
Soil Temperature @ 18 inches 32 deg.
Sun to low to get solar reading.
Until next time
Stay warm and Healthy.
Keep log on the fire and candle in the window.
Here something to think about